A Destination University for a More Just World

Our 2027 strategic plan bolsters the ongoing rise of St. 爱德华的 a destination university known nationally and internationally for excellence and enhancing the notoriety of Austin.

战略计划 2027 地图 Our Vision

Looking to the future and a changing world, representatives across the St. 爱德华的 community and Austin came together to plan for the continued success of the university. Their collaboration resulted in bold initiatives that guide our commitment to academic distinction; a vibrant and inclusive campus; diversity and equity; and a vision for St. 爱德华的 A Destination University for a More Just World. 了解更多关于 《365bet足球比分》的五大目标.    


了解更多有关 战略规划过程 and details about the five goals for becoming A Destination University for a More Just World.

St. 365比分网电竞, 圣十字, 天主教机构, will improve lives and transform communities by providing an excellent education of distinguished quality that prepares students to create a more humane, 公正和可持续的世界. 

Funding Priorities for 战略计划 2027

在当今社会, our communities need more professionals who are educated with both expertise and moral reasoning — the hallmarks of a St. 爱德华的教育. As we pursue funding to help achieve our strategic plan’s ambitious vision and goals, we look to those who are passionate about an improved world through education and who have seen the transformative impacts of investment in the mission and students of St. 365比分网电竞. We greatly appreciate your support in this endeavor. 资助策略计划2027 outlines three priority areas for giving. You can choose to direct your gift to any of these areas:



Our vibrant and inclusive hilltop home inspires learning, self-discovery and community. Investments in new and improved facilities offer spaces for Hilltoppers to experience academic excellence and distinction and a thriving campus life. Learn about the impact of our capital priority improvements on the new School of 健康 Sciences, theater arts, athletics and more.



Gifts to the university’s endowment support the Holy Cross mission in perpetuity, while also making it possible for the university to direct institutional resources to our strategic priorities. See the ways our endowment makes a difference for students — from funding research and internships to providing scholarships for those with the greatest need.




Ongoing annual giving helps bridge the gaps between the university’s operating budget and our tuition revenue, providing critical resources that directly and immediately impact students’ lives. Take a look at the broad support annual giving provides, such as for our new 护理 program, annual student scholarships and 圣. 爱德华的基金.




We welcome showing you just how much your gift matters. For more information about 资助策略计划2027, please call 格里高利佩兰, 512-448-8452,或电邮 gperrin@66artfactory.com.